Effective on the date specified, IBM will withdraw the following machine types and all associated models and field installed features from marketing. After the effective withdrawal date, you can no longer obtain these products directly from IBM. You can obtain the products on an as-available basis through IBM authorized remarketers.
Machine Type Model7247 821, 822, 823 7249 851
Replacement Product Information: The ThinkPad(R) Power Series 820(TM) and ThinkPad Power Series 850(TM) are replaced by the RS/6000(TM) Notebook 860 (7249-860). Refer to Hardware Announcement 196-248, dated October 8, 1996.
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.